The news was first reported by Marine Corps Times. The MOS's are grouped together into different occupational fields that are represented by the first two digits. Barth previously graduated from the Corps' Infantry Training Battalion-East, earning the MOS of 0311 Rifleman.
#0311 marine corps mos code#
It's a four-digit code used by the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army to identify specific job specialties. If you contract into the Marine Corps under the Infantry Program you are most likely to become an Infantry Rifleman (0311). Rifle Platoon Guides: Are led by a non-commissioned officer who acts as an assistant platoon sergeant and is tasked with keeping the platoon fed and loaded with ammo. When in combat, the platoon guide will assist with casualties or enemy detainees until they are evacuated to the rear. MOS stands for military occupational specialty code. CERTIFICATES USMC Riflemans Creed MOS 0311 USMC Rifleman MOS 0311 Fire Team Leader MOS 0317 New MOS Scout Sniper MOS 0321 Recon MOS 0331 Machinegunner.They can also be placed in charge of the crew service weapons squad using weapons such as automatic weapons and sniper rifles.

Rifle Squad Leaders: Rifle Squads are led by non-commissioned officers and consists of three fire teams.These patrols are done to relay information back to Marine commanders concerning the size, strengths, location, and any other pertinent information about the enemy. Scout Team Leader (LAR squad): The Light Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (LAV-25) Scout Team Leader is a rifleman who performs their intelligence gathering behind enemy lines in LAV-25s to quickly locate and harass enemy forces.

Fire Team Leader: In the platoon, there are fire teams. Each fire team is lead by a non-commissioned officer who is known as the Team Leader. The remaining three positions of the fire team are the Automatic Rifleman (SAW), Assistant Automatic Rifleman, and a Rifleman. This 0311 Rifleman Marine Corps MOS Decal is a perfect way to show off your Military Occupational Specialty experience.